Alfvén wave

An Alfvén wave, named after Hannes Alfvén, is a type of magnetohydrodynamic wave.[1]



An Alfvén wave in a plasma is a low-frequency (compared to the ion cyclotron frequency) travelling oscillation of the ions and the magnetic field. The ion mass density provides the inertia and the magnetic field line tension provides the restoring force.

The wave propagates in the direction of the magnetic field, although waves exist at oblique incidence and smoothly change into the magnetosonic wave when the propagation is perpendicular to the magnetic field.

The motion of the ions and the perturbation of the magnetic field are in the same direction and transverse to the direction of propagation. The wave is dispersionless.

Alfvén velocity

The low-frequency permittivity \epsilon\, of a magnetized plasma is given by

\epsilon = 1 %2B \frac{c^2 \mu_0 \rho}{B^2}~,

where B\, is the magnetic field strength, c\, is the speed of light, \mu_0\, is the permeability of the vacuum, and \rho = \Sigma n_s m_s\, is the total mass density of the charged plasma particles. Here, s\, goes over all plasma species, both electrons and (few types of) ions.

Therefore, the velocity of an electromagnetic wave in such a medium is

v = c/\sqrt{\epsilon} = \frac{c}{\sqrt{1 %2B \frac{c^2 \mu_0 \rho}{B^2}}}~,


v = \frac{v_A}{\sqrt{1 %2B v_A^2/c^2}}~,


v_A = \frac{B}{\sqrt{\mu_0 \rho}}

is the Alfvén velocity. If v_A \ll c, then v \approx v_A. On the other hand, when v_A \approx c, then v \approx c. That is, at high field or low density, the velocity of the Alfvén wave approaches the speed of light, and the Alfvén wave becomes an ordinary electromagnetic wave.

Neglecting the contribution of the electrons to the mass density and assuming that there is a single ion species, we get

v_A = \frac{B}{\sqrt{\mu_0 n_i m_i}}~~ in SI
v_A = \frac{B}{\sqrt{4 \pi n_i m_i}}~~ in CGS

\qquad \ \approx (2.18\times10^{11}\,\mbox{cm/s})\,(m_i/m_p)^{-1/2}\,(n_i/{\rm cm}^{-3})^{-1/2}\,(B/{\rm gauss})

where n_i\, is the ion number density and m_i\, is the ion mass.

Alfvén time

In plasma physics, the Alfvén time  \tau_A is an important timescale for wave phenomena. It is related to the Alfvén velocity by:

 \tau_A = \frac{a}{v_A}

where  a denotes the characteristic scale of the system, for example  a is the minor radius of the torus in a tokamak.

Relativistic case

The general Alfvén wave velocity is defined by Gedalin (1993):[2]

v = \frac{c}{\sqrt{1 %2B \frac{e %2B P}{2 P_m}}}~,


e\, is the total energy density of plasma particles, P\, is the total plasma pressure, and P_m = B^2/2\mu_0\, is the magnetic field pressure. In the non-relativistic limit P \ll e \approx \rho c^2, and we immediately get the expression from the previous section.


How this phenomenon became understood

See also


  1. ^ Iwai, K; Shinya, K,; Takashi, K. and Moreau, R. (2003) "Pressure change accompanying Alfvén waves in a liquid metal" Magnetohydrodynamics 39(3): pp. 245-250, page 245
  2. ^ Gedalin, M. (1993), "Linear waves in relativistic anisotropic magnetohydrodynamics", Physical Review E 47 (6): 4354–4357, Bibcode 1993PhRvE..47.4354G, doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.47.4354 
  3. ^ doi:10.1063/1.3633090
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Further reading

External links